980 resultados para sagittal spinal curves


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One of the primary treatment goals of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) surgery is to achieve maximum coronal plane correction while maintaining coronal balance. However maintaining or restoring sagittal plane spinal curvature has become increasingly important in maintaining the long-term health of the spine. Patients with AIS are characterised by pre-operative thoracic hypokyphosis, and it is generally agreed that operative treatment of thoracic idiopathic scoliosis should aim to restore thoracic kyphosis to normal values while maintaining lumbar lordosis and good overall sagittal balance. The aim of this study was to evaluate CT sagittal plane parameters, with particular emphasis on thoracolumbar junctional alignment, in patients with AIS who underwent Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Spinal Fusion and Instrumentation (VATS). This study concluded that video-assisted thoracoscopic spinal fusion and instrumentation reliably increases thoracic kyphosis while preserving junctional alignment and lumbar lordosis in thoracic AIS.


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STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. OBJECTIVE: Determine the effectiveness a resistive exercise countermeasure with whole-body vibration in relation to lumbo-pelvic muscle and spinal morphology changes during simulated spaceflight (bed-rest). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Spinal lengthening, flattening of the spinal curves, increases in disc size, and muscle atrophy are commonly seen in spaceflight simulation. This may represent a risk for low back injury. Consideration of exercise countermeasures against these changes is critical for success of long-term spaceflight missions. METHODS: Twenty healthy male subjects underwent 8-weeks of bed-rest with 6-months follow-up and were randomly allocated to an inactive control or countermeasure exercise group. Magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbo-pelvic region was conducted at regular time-points during and after bed-rest. Using uniplanar images at L4, cross-sectional areas of the multifidus, lumbar erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, psoas, anterolateral abdominal, and rectus abdominis muscles were measured. Sagittal scans were used to assess lumbar spine morphology (length, sagittal disc area and height, and intervertebral angles). RESULTS: The countermeasure group exhibited less multifidus muscle atrophy (P = 0.024) and its atrophy did not persist long-term as in the control group (up to 3-months; P < 0.006). Spinal lengthening (P = 0.03) and increases in disc area (P = 0.041) were also reduced. Significant partial correlations (P < 0.001) existed between spinal morphology and muscle cross-sectional area changes. CONCLUSION: The resistive vibration exercise countermeasure reduced, but did not entirely prevent, multifidus muscle atrophy and passive spinal tissue deconditioning during bed-rest. Atrophy of the multifidus muscles was persistent long-term in the inactive subjects. Future work could consider closer attention to spinal posture during exercise and optimizing exercise dose.


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La scoliose idiopathique (SI) est une déformation tridimensionnelle (3D) de la colonne vertébrale et de la cage thoracique à potentiel évolutif pendant la croissance. Cette déformation 3D entraîne des asymétries de la posture. La correction de la posture est un des objectifs du traitement en physiothérapie chez les jeunes atteints d’une SI afin d’éviter la progression de la scoliose, de réduire les déformations morphologiques et leurs impacts sur la qualité de vie. Les outils cliniques actuels ne permettent pas de quantifier globalement les changements de la posture attribuables à la progression de la scoliose ou à l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques. L’objectif de cette thèse consiste donc au développement et à la validation d’un nouvel outil clinique permettant l’analyse quantitative de la posture auprès de personnes atteintes d’une SI. Ce projet vise plus spécifiquement à déterminer la fidélité et la validité des indices de posture (IP) de ce nouvel outil clinique et à vérifier leur capacité à détecter des changements entre les positions debout et assise. Suite à une recension de la littérature, 34 IP représentant l’alignement frontal et sagittal des différents segments corporels ont été sélectionnés. L’outil quantitatif clinique d’évaluation de la posture (outil 2D) construit dans ce projet consiste en un logiciel qui permet de calculer les différents IP (mesures angulaires et linéaires). L’interface graphique de cet outil est conviviale et permet de sélectionner interactivement des marqueurs sur les photographies digitales. Afin de vérifier la fidélité et la validité des IP de cet outil, la posture debout de 70 participants âgés entre 10 et 20 ans atteints d'une SI (angle de Cobb: 15º à 60º) a été évaluée à deux occasions par deux physiothérapeutes. Des marqueurs placés sur plusieurs repères anatomiques, ainsi que des points de référence anatomique (yeux, lobes des oreilles, etc.), ont permis de mesurer les IP 2D en utilisant des photographies. Ces mêmes marqueurs et points de référence ont également servi au calcul d’IP 3D obtenus par des reconstructions du tronc avec un système de topographie de surface. Les angles de Cobb frontaux et sagittaux et le déjettement C7-S1 ont été mesurés sur des radiographies. La théorie de la généralisabilité a été utilisée pour déterminer la fidélité et l’erreur standard de la mesure (ESM) des IP de l’outil 2D. Des coefficients de Pearson ont servi à déterminer la validité concomitante des IP du tronc de l’outil 2D avec les IP 3D et les mesures radiographiques correspondantes. Cinquante participants ont été également évalués en position assise « membres inférieurs allongés » pour l’étude comparative de la posture debout et assise. Des tests de t pour échantillons appariés ont été utilisés pour détecter les différences entre les positions debout et assise. Nos résultats indiquent un bon niveau de fidélité pour la majorité des IP de l’outil 2D. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et 3D est bonne pour les épaules, les omoplates, le déjettement C7-S1, les angles de taille, la scoliose thoracique et le bassin. Elle est faible à modérée pour la cyphose thoracique, la lordose lombaire et la scoliose thoraco-lombaire ou lombaire. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et les mesures radiographiques est bonne pour le déjettement C7-S1, la scoliose et la cyphose thoracique. L’outil est suffisamment discriminant pour détecter des différences entre la posture debout et assise pour dix des treize IP. Certaines recommandations spécifiques résultents de ce projet : la hauteur de la caméra devrait être ajustée en fonction de la taille des personnes; la formation des juges est importante pour maximiser la précision de la pose des marqueurs; et des marqueurs montés sur des tiges devraient faciliter l’évaluation des courbures vertébrales sagittales. En conclusion, l’outil développé dans le cadre de cette thèse possède de bonnes propriétés psychométriques et permet une évaluation globale de la posture. Cet outil devrait contribuer à l’amélioration de la pratique clinique en facilitant l’analyse de la posture debout et assise. Cet outil s’avère une alternative clinique pour suivre l’évolution de la scoliose thoracique et diminuer la fréquence des radiographies au cours du suivi de jeunes atteints d’une SI thoracique. Cet outil pourrait aussi être utile pour vérifier l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques sur la posture.


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La spondylolyse et le spondylolisthésis sont une déformité bien connue dans le domaine de l’orthopédie. Par contre, il persiste des confusions et des débats sur différents aspects de cette pathologie incluant l’étiologie, l’histoire naturelle et le traitement. Récemment, deux études ont démontré l’influence significative de la morphologie du sacrum dans le spondylolisthésis par Inoue et al. et Whitesides et al.4,5 Ces trouvailles ont renouvelé l’intérêt dans l’évaluation radiologique de la balance sagittale de cette condition. L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’évaluer l’influence de la forme et l’orientation du sacrum chez les patients atteints de spondylolisthésis. Pour ce faire, nous avons construit une base de données de patients présentant un spondylolisthésis et d’un groupe contrôle. Par la suite les radiographies de ces sujets ont été analysées par un programme d’ordinateur afin de calculer tous les paramètres pertinents. Ce travail nous a tout d’abord permis de déterminer à partir des radiographies de 120 volontaires pédiatriques et plus de 130 patients pédiatriques atteints de la spondylolisthésis, les valeurs moyennes et la variation des paramètres angulaires qui influencent l’équilibre sagittal du rachis. Cette base de données est la première existante dans la population pédiatrique. Ces données seront d’une grande utilité pour le futur lors d’études concernant diverses conditions spinales. Nous avons remarqué une différence significative de la morphologie sacrée chez les sujets présentant le spondylolisthésis. Par ailleurs, l’étude de corrélation nous a également permis d’établir une forte relation entre le sacrum, le bassin et la colonne dans le profil sagittal. Finalement, ce travail a permis une meilleure compréhension globale de la posture sagittale chez les sujets normaux et chez les sujets atteints du spondylolisthésis qui pourra servir pour mieux analyser cette condition et pour ajuster les traitements selon l’analyse.


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Besides the spinal deformity, scoliosis modifies notably the general appearance of the trunk resulting in trunk rotation, imbalance, and asymmetries that constitutes patients' major concern. Existing classifications of scoliosis, based on the type of spinal curve as depicted on radiographs, are currently used to guide treatment strategies. Unfortunately, even though a perfect correction of the spinal curve is achieved, some trunk deformities remain, making patients dissatisfied with the treatment received. The purpose of this study is to identify possible shape patterns of trunk surface deformity associated with scoliosis. First, trunk surface is represented by a multivariate functional trunk shape descriptor based on 3-D clinical measurements computed on cross sections of the trunk. Then, the classical formulation of hierarchical clustering is adapted to the case of multivariate functional data and applied to a set of 236 trunk surface 3-D reconstructions. The highest internal validity is obtained when considering 11 clusters that explain up to 65% of the variance in our dataset. Our clustering result shows a concordance with the radiographic classification of spinal curves in 68% of the cases. As opposed to radiographic evaluation, the trunk descriptor is 3-D and its functional nature offers a compact and elegant description of not only the type, but also the severity and extent of the trunk surface deformity along the trunk length. In future work, new management strategies based on the resulting trunk shape patterns could be thought of in order to improve the esthetic outcome after treatment, and thus patients satisfaction.


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Introduction. Ideally after selective thoracic fusion for Lenke Class IC (i.e. major thoracic / secondary lumbar) curves, the lumbar spine will spontaneously accommodate to the corrected position of the thoracic curve, thereby achieving a balanced spine, avoiding the need for fusion of lumbar spinal segments1. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of the lumbar curve in Lenke IC class adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) following video-assisted thoracoscopic spinal fusion and instrumentation (VATS) of the major thoracic curve. Methods. A retrospective review of 22 consecutive patients with AIS who underwent VATS by a single surgeon was conducted. The results were compared to published literature examining the behaviour of the secondary lumbar curve where other surgical approaches were employed. Results. Twenty-two patients (all female) with AIS underwent VATS. All major thoracic curves were right convex. The average age at surgery was 14 years (range 10 to 22 years). On average 6.7 levels (6 to 8) were instrumented. The mean follow-up was 25.1 months (6 to 36). The pre-operative major thoracic Cobb angle mean was 53.8° (40° to 75°). The pre-operative secondary lumbar Cobb angle mean was 43.9° (34° to 55°). On bending radiographs, the secondary curve corrected to 11.3° (0° to 35°). The rib hump mean measurement was 15.0° (7° to 21°). At latest follow-up the major thoracic Cobb angle measured on average 27.2° (20° to 41°) (p<0.001 – univariate ANOVA) and the mean secondary lumbar curve was 27.3° (15° to 42°) (p<0.001). This represented an uninstrumented secondary curve correction factor of 37.8%. The mean rib hump measured was 6.5° (2° to 15°) (p<0.001). The results above were comparable to published series when open surgery was performed. Discussion. VATS is an effective method of correcting major thoracic curves with secondary lumbar curves. The behaviour of the secondary lumbar curve is consistent with published series when open surgery, both anterior and posterior, is performed.


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Normal thoracic kyphosis Cobb angle for T5-T12 is most commonly reported as a range of 20-40º [1]. Patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) exhibit a reduced thoracic kyphosis or hypokyphosis [2] accompanying the coronal and rotary distortion components. As a result, surgical restoration of the thoracic kyphosis while maintaining lumbar lordosis and overall sagittal balance is a critical aspect of achieving good clinical outcomes in AIS patients. Previous studies report an increase in thoracic kyphosis after anterior surgical approaches [3] and a flattening of sagittal contours following posterior approaches [4]. Difficulties with measuring sagittal parameters on radiographs are avoided with reformatted sagittal CT reconstructions due to the superior endplate clarity afforded by this imaging modality and are the subject of analysis in this study.


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Background. Previous studies report an increase in thoracic kyphosis after anterior approaches and a flattening of sagittal contours following posterior approaches. Difficulties with measuring sagittal parameters on radiographs are avoided with reformatted sagittal CT reconstructions due to the superior endplate clarity afforded by this imaging modality. Methods. A prospective study of 30 Lenke 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients receiving selective thoracoscopic anterior spinal fusion (TASF) was performed. Participants had ethically approved low dose CT scans at minimum 24 months after surgery in addition to their standard care following surgery. The change in sagittal contours on supine CT was compared to standing radiographic measurements of the same patients and with previous studies. Inter-observer variability was assessed as well as whether hypokyphotic and normokyphotic patient groups responded differently to the thoracoscopic anterior approach. Results. Mean T5-12 kyphosis Cobb angle increased by 11.8 degrees and lumbar lordosis increased by 5.9 degrees on standing radiographs two years after surgery. By comparison, CT measurements of kyphosis and lordosis increased by 12.3 degrees and 7.0 degrees respectively. 95% confidence intervals for inter-observer variability of sagittal contour measurements on supine CT ranged between 5-8 degrees. TASF had a slightly greater corrective effect on patients who were hypokyphotic before surgery compared with those who were normokyphotic. Conclusions. Restoration of sagittal profile is an important goal of scoliosis surgery, but reliable measurement with radiographs suffers from poor endplate clarity. TASF significantly improves thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis while preserving proximal and distal junctional alignment in thoracic AIS patients. Supine CT allows greater endplate clarity for sagittal Cobb measurements and linear relationships were found between supine CT and standing radiographic measurements. In this study, improvements in sagittal kyphosis and lordosis following surgery were in agreement with prior anterior surgery studies, and add to the current evidence suggesting that anterior correction is more capable than posterior approaches of addressing the sagittal component of both the instrumented and adjacent non instrumented segments following surgical correction of progressive Lenke 1 idiopathic scoliosis.


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STUDY DESIGN: prospective longitudinal study. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the effect of bed-rest on the lumbar musculature and soft-tissues. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: earlier work has suggested that the risk of low back injury is higher after overnight bed-rest or spaceflight. Changes in spinal morphology and atrophy in musculature important in stabilizing the spine could be responsible for this, but there are limited data on how the lumbar musculature and vertebral structures are affected during bed-rest. METHODS: nine male subjects underwent 60-days head-down tilt bed-rest as part of the second Berlin Bed-Rest Study. Disc volume, intervertebral spinal length, intervertebral lordosis angle, and disc height were measured on sagittal plane magnetic resonance images. Axial magnetic resonance images were used to measure cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of the multifidus (MF), erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, and psoas from L1 to L5. Subjects completed low back pain (LBP) questionnaires for the first 7-days after bed-rest. RESULTS: increases in disc volume, spinal length (greatest at lower lumbar spine), loss of the lower lumbar lordosis, and move to a more lordotic position at the upper lumbar spine (P < 0.0097) were seen. The CSAs of all muscles changed (P < 0.002), with the rate of atrophy greatest at L4 and L5 in MF (P < 0.002) and at L1 and L2 in the erector spinae (P = 0.0006). Atrophy of the quadratus lumborum was consistent throughout the muscle (P = 0.15), but CSA of psoas muscle increased (P < 0.0001). Subjects who reported LBP after bed-rest showed, before reambulation, greater increases in posterior disc height, and greater losses of MF CSA at L4 and L5 than subjects who did not report pain (all P < 0.085). CONCLUSION: these results provide evidence that changes in the lumbar discs during bed-rest and selective atrophy of the MF muscle may be important factors in the occurrence of LBP after prolonged bed-rest.


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Os objetivos do estudo foram avaliar o alinhamento, no plano sagital, da coluna de indivíduos com alterações na medida da gibosidade, comparando com um grupo sem alterações; testar a confiabilidade do instrumento utilizado e verificar se existem correlações entre as medidas da gibosidade e os valores das curvaturas vertebrais. Foram avaliados 40 jovens, divididos em grupo controle - ausência ou presença de gibosidades inferiores a 0,5 cm na curvatura torácica e 0,7 cm na lombar (n=20) e, grupo experimental - gibosidades superiores às descritas (n=20). A gibosidade e as curvaturas no plano sagital foram mensuradas com um instrumento adaptado a um nível d'água e o teste de Adams. As coletas foram realizadas em duas datas distintas, nos dois grupos. Após aplicação do teste Mann-Whitney não foi encontrada diferença entre as ocasiões de coletas e, emparelhando-se os grupos, foi encontrada diferença apenas na medida cervical. Na verificação de existência de relação entre as medidas coletadas, foi encontrada correlação linear (Spearmann) no grupo controle - curvatura torácica e gibosidade torácica; em ambos os grupos - curvaturas torácica e lombar; e no grupo experimental - gibosidade torácica e as curvaturas lombar e sacral e, curvatura sacral e curvaturas torácica e lombar. Pôde-se concluir que a medida da gibosidade tem relações com as curvaturas no plano sagital. Por ser um método confiável, simples e acessível, pode ser reproduzido sem altos custos financeiros e sem causar prejuízo à saúde do paciente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND: We investigated, with magnetic resonance imaging, the distance of the dura mater to the spinal cord in patients without spinal or medullar disease at the 2nd, 5th, and 10th thoracic segments.METHODS: Fifty patients in the supine position underwent magnetic resonance imaging. Medial sagittal slices of the 2nd, 5th, and 10th thoracic segments were measured for the relative distances using the 1.5-T superconducting system (Gyroscan Intera, Philips Medical Systems, Best, the Netherlands). In 10 patients, the angles relative to the tangent at the insertion point on the skin were measured.RESULTS: The posterior dural-spinal cord distance is significantly greater at the midthoracic region (5th thoracic = 5.8 +/- 0.8 mm) than at the upper (2nd thoracic = 3.9 +/- 0.8 mm) and lower thoracic levels (10th thoracic = 4.1 +/- 1.0 mm) (P < 0.015). There were no differences between interspaces T2 and 110. There was no correlation between age and the measured distance between the dura mater and the spinal cord. The entry angle of the needle at T2 was 9.0 degrees +/- 2.5 degrees; at T5, 45.0 degrees +/- 7.4 degrees; and at T10, 9.50 degrees +/- 4.2 degrees.CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that there is greater depth of the posterior subarachnoid space at the T2, T5, and T10 levels. The greater distance was found at T5. (Anesth Analg 2010;110:1494-5)


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Introduction: Spinal fusion is a widely and successfully performed strategy for the treatment of spinal deformities and degenerative diseases. The general approach has been to stabilize the spine with implants so that a solid bony fusion between the vertebrae can develop. However, new implant designs have emerged that aim at preservation or restoration of the motion of the spinal segment. In addition to static, load sharing principles, these designs also require a profound knowledge of kinematic and dynamic properties to properly characterise the in vivo performance of the implants. Methods: To address this, an apparatus was developed that enables the intraoperative determination of the load–displacement behavior of spinal motion segments. The apparatus consists of a sensor-equipped distractor to measure the applied force between the transverse processes, and an optoelectronic camera to track the motion of vertebrae and the distractor. In this intraoperative trial, measurements from two patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with right thoracic curves were made at four motion segments each. Results: At a lateral bending moment of 5 N m, the mean flexibility of all eight motion segments was 0.18 ± 0.08°/N m on the convex side and 0.24 ± 0.11°/N m on the concave side. Discussion: The results agree with published data obtained from cadaver studies with and without axial preload. Intraoperatively acquired data with this method may serve as an input for mathematical models and contribute to the development of new implants and treatment strategies.


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This is a retrospective clinical, radiological and patient outcome assessment of 21 consecutive patients with King 1 idiopathic adolescent scoliosis treated by short anterior selective fusion of the major thoracolumbar/lumbar (TL/L) curve. Three-dimensional changes of both curves, changes in trunk balance and rib hump were evaluated. The minimal follow-up was 24 months (max. 83). The Cobb angle of the TL/L curve was 52 degrees (45-67 degrees) with a flexibility of 72% (40-100%). The average length of the main curve was 5 (3-8) segments. An average of 3 (2-4) segments was fused using rigid single rod implants with side-loading screws. The Cobb angle of the thoracic curve was 33 degrees (18-50 degrees) with a flexibility of 69% (29-100%). The thoracic curve in bending was less than 20 degrees in 17 patients, and 20-25 degrees in 4 patients. In the TL/L curve there was an improvement of the Cobb angle of 67%, of the apex vertebral rotation of 51% and of the apex vertebral translation of 74%. The Cobb angle of the thoracic curve improved 29% spontaneously. Shoulder balance improved significantly from an average preoperative imbalance of 14.5-3.1 mm at the last follow-up. Seventy-five percent of the patients with preoperative positive shoulder imbalance (higher on the side of the thoracic curve) had levelled shoulders at the last follow-up. C7 offset improved from a preoperative 19.8 (0-40) to 4.8 (0-18) mm at the last follow-up. There were no significant changes in rotation, translation of the thoracic curve and the clinical rib hump. There were no significant changes in thoracic kyphosis or lumbar lordosis. The average score of the SRS-24 questionnaire at the last follow-up was 91 points (max. 120). We conclude that short anterior selective fusion of the TL/L curve in King 1 scoliosis with a thoracic curve bending to 25 degrees or less (Type 5 according to Lenke classification) results in a satisfactory correction and a balanced spine. Short fusions leave enough mobile lumbar segments for the establishment of global spinal balance. A positive shoulder imbalance is not a contraindication for this procedure. Structural interbody grafts are not necessary to maintain lumbar lordosis.


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Purpose To provide normal values of the cervical spinal canal and spinal cord dimensions in several planes with respect to spinal level, age, sex, and body height. Materials and Methods This study was approved by the institutional review board; all individuals provided signed informed consent. In a prospective multicenter study, two blinded raters independently examined cervical spine magnetic resonance (MR) images of 140 healthy volunteers who were white. The midsagittal diameters and areas of spinal canal and spinal cord, respectively, were measured at the midvertebral levels of C1, C3, and C6. A multivariate general linear model described the influence of sex, body height, age, and spinal level on the measured values. Results There were differences for sex, spinal level, interaction between sex and level, and body height, while age had significant yet limited influence. Normative ranges for the sagittal diameters and areas of spinal canal and spinal cord were defined at C1, C3, and C6 levels for men and women. In addition to a calculation of normative ranges for a specific sex, spinal level, age, and body height data, data for three different height subgroups at 45 years of age were extracted. These results show a range of the spinal canal dimensions at C1 (from 10.7 to 19.7 mm), C3 (from 9.4 to 17.2 mm), and C6 (from 9.2 to 16.8 mm) levels. Conclusion : The dimensions of the cervical spinal canal and cord in healthy individuals are associated with spinal level, sex, age, and height. © RSNA, 2013 Online supplemental material is available for this article.